paula knorr aw19 presentation 3

German born womenswear designer Paula Knorr lives and works in London. She graduated from Royal College of Art in 2015 and won the ITS Fashion Award in Trieste in the same year.

Afterwards, she worked as a freelance designer for Peter Pilotto and on different projects with well-known fashion stylists to capitalise on her strength in creating innovative draping and cutting techniques.

In late 2015 she found her own fashion label and being awarded NEWGEN by the British Fashion Council, one of the most an internationally recognised talent identification schemes, she presents her collections on Schedule at London Fashion Week. Her feminine designs are manufactured in Germany using exceptional material from Italian and French mills.

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Measurement Chart
Label size Bust Waist Hip
XS 80 cm 62 cm 88 cm
S 84 cm 68 cm 94 cm
M 90 cm 74 cm 100 cm
L 96 cm 80 cm 106 cm
XL 100 cm 84 cm 112 cm
International Size Guide
Label size FR UK US Italy
XS 34 6 2 38
S 36 8 4 40
M 38 10 6 42
L 40 12/14 8 44
XL 42/44 16 10 46/48